
50/50 Fun Shoot 2023

2 dates for fun this year

  • October 22nd
  • November 12th
  • Setup time 8:00 am

    Start time 10:00 am

    Match Director: Dave Halchak


    * All shoots  $ 3.00 10 shooters per line 4 shots metal targets, 3 shots paper, balloons and swingers 200 and 300 yards one shot (last man standing).
     * prizes 1st place 10.00 and second place 5.00 this is if we have a full line
    * Shoot will start at 10 am and continue as long as we have enough shooters to fill the lines.
    * There will be food and beverages as well as deserts in the clubhouse.
    * All weapons need to be sporter type hunting rifles.  The classes are listed below.  Custom hunting rifles and pistols allowed.
    * If there are enough youth shooters we will have a jr. division shoot in all categories where there is interest.
    1. Muzzleloader open sights only 4 shots 25, 50, 75 and 100yds with reverse count for ties.
    2.  100yd rifle center fire cartridge 3 shots at standing deer target high score wins.  One shot closest to eye for ties. Scopes allowed set at 6 power.
    3.  Pistol NRA field pistol cartridge (straight wall pistol) 357, 44 , 38 special, 45 acp, 40 cal. Etc.  4 shots open sights only(iron sights) 25, 50, 75, 100yds reverse count for ties.
    4.  .22 sporter rifle Scopes allowed up to 9 power 4 shots .22 style IMSHA metal targets 4 shots per round 25, 50, 75, 100yds with reverse count for ties.  If enough shooters we will have open sight class also.
    5.  Open sight rifle 50 yards standing deer target 3 shots high score with ties broken by one shot closet to eye.

    6.  200 and 300 yd balloon and swinging gong and pig.  One shot per shooter last man standing you shoot till you miss.








