Wilkes-Barre Rifle & Pistol Club


The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) promotes firearms safety training and rifle practice for qualified U.S. citizens.
The original CMP purpose was to provide U. S. citizens with opportunities for rifle marksmanship practice and competition so they would be skilled marksmen if later called to serve in the Armed Services.
This government supported marksmanship program
came to be known as the “civilian marksmanship program.”
Over the years, CMP priorities shifted so that today it focuses
on youth development through marksmanship.
The CMP promotes these competitions as vital ways to test and celebrate the marksmanship skills of U. S. citizens. They also are a vital means of fostering the development of shooting sports leaders
who can instruct youth in target shooting and promote the
growth of marksmanship activities among U. S. citizens.

CMP competition shoots from May through November. See the calendar for current 2020 schedule. Matches start at 9am




    © 2022 Wilkes-Barre Rifle & Pistol Club. All rights reserved.